Momentum Sports Group

Basketball Programs


Our weekly lessons are comprehensive hour-long sessions, where athletes develop fundamental basketball skills and put them into action against live competition. This fun and engaging program is valuable for players of all skill levels as it builds on the base of skills that all players need to take their game to the next level.

Targeted development areas:
Shooting technique + preparation
Dribbling + passing techniques
Dynamic attacks + 1 v. 1 moves
Finishing around the basket + evading defenders
Movement without the ball + proper spacing
Team offensive + defensive principles
Character and team building exercises
And much more! …

Our camps, during both Winter and March Break, are action-packed weeks of full-day fun! We take the concepts that are applied and taught in our hourly weekly lessons and expand them over the course of a week. Each day athletes participate in a variety of targeted skill-building drills, engaging competitions, and dynamic gameplay against their fellow athletes. Players are also encouraged to exercise leadership skills, good teamwork, and to create an environment of support for their fellow campers throughout the week. Our camps are the most popular and all-encompassing experiences that we offer.


Out of this desire and belief was born an idea for a Toronto youth basketball program which is holistic in nature, and prepares all athletes who come through it for life beyond the court that the game is played on. Improving your basketball skills is important, of course.

But building up a young mind early with the right ideas and character traits, as well as building their confidence and teaching them how to deal with adversity, is of equal, if not greater importance.
Basketball is a game of details. As a company, we aim to provide all 3 of these components to the next generations of players in Toronto, and Canadian basketball as a whole, through Momentum’s various programs. Improving skills and learning techniques takes patience and a nuanced approach, where treating each individual with the care and attention required to suit their needs is the standard practice.

We create joy for our athletes by focusing on the relationship between player and coach, the relationship between player and player, and the relationship between coach and parent.